Protection is essential for channeling. As an amazing woman, Crystal Bennett, once told me, “when I first started doing this, I was channeling everybody’s cranky old auntie and her griping. I wasn’t put on this planet to do that. There are much higher powers we should channel.” Just as the battle of moral choices is present in our time, it is present in the universe above. There is light in this shadow; it will make us wise. These “negative” spirits can come in disguise, they may appear as the most lofty of characters. These spirits might inform you well enough to become a talented psychic. But channeling them will ultimately become an allegiance of power in which they will take over your life. The spirit attaches to the ego and destroys the host to maintain human embodiment. It may be that those with serious mental illness are channeling destructive spirits. Often, deeply spiritual types have traumatic lives which can open them up to spirit. There is great risk here; but also the reward of overcoming.
There are very efficient ways of protecting ourselves from these hungry powers: bringing down a pyramid of protection; calling on the protection of loving family or friends, ideally those who have passed; and continuously repeating a mantra including the idea that “only the light may enter” or similar phrases.
First form of Protection:
The Pyramid
Imagine a pyramid above you large enough to enclose you. See it above you. It may twirl around a bit. Along each edge, see a glowing light. Do not hesitate to watch this video:
The pyramid of protection can be used to meet your guides and keep you safe. Schedule a session to learn more.
Feel free to let it float over you as you observe it. What does it feel like? You will likely feel good or a bit curious. Just take a moment and note what color it is. There are no wrong colors, but it is nice to acknowledge its color. Then bring the pyramid down from above until it covers you. Later we will bring in other helpful spirits. We can expand or contract the pyramid at will. This pyramid will protect you from dark forces.
Second form of protection:
A loving spirit you knew on earth
It is hard for trickster spirits to fake someone you knew on earth. This is why this serves as protection. Think of a friend or member of your family who has gone to the next life. This person need not be perfect. They only need to be someone who truly loved you. Close your eyes and ask for someone you knew, presently on the other side, who can help. If family members don’t show up, ask yourself, who is that person who cared? A childhood friend may show up, a teacher, a spiritual leader with whom you are or were close is fine, but you should know them personally; an idealized person like the Dalai Lama or Ghandi is not ideal only because you did not feel their love on earth directly. Pets you loved are great. Though they generally serve in addition to a formerly embodied human, they can serve you on your their own too.
Imagine them into the room. See the things that you loved about them; smell the butter cookies or ride the new red bicycle they bought you. Embrace the breadth of their love, for only you knew them in this way and experienced their particular expressions of love. When you feel their love, you invite their presence. Don’t be surprised if you get a bit emotional; feeling helps you call spirit. A variety of people might show up; generally, don’t go for more than five.
Place yourself and the loved one or ones in your pyramid. You should stand in the center. If there are many spirit-helpers, let them choose which places in the pyramid they prefer and note where they stand. This lets them feel acknowledged. Make sure you feel the love of each soul that comes to you for a moment. It has never yet happened that anything negative entered pyramids. But just to be sure, you should feel love from each person or pet as they enter your pyramid.
Third form of protection:
Chanting words of intention
All you need to do is keep chanting something similar to “Only the highest good may enter. Only the light may enter. Only those spirits who are compatible may enter my pyramid.” If you decide to alter these words a bit, that is fine, as long as you follow the general principles of protection it entails. The important point is simply that you decide what enters your pyramid and if something doesn’t feel right, gently turn it away and ask again.