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CHANNELING THE MAN IN THE MOON: Protection is essential to this work. Here are several methods to protect yourself while channeling.
CHANNELING THE MAN IN THE MOON: Today I ask the being I channel, the Man in the Moon, how to get more cash and abundance.
CHANNELING THE MAN IN THE MOON: What could you do right now to improve your spirits and bring you closer to the earth: Art, support heroic people, meditate, rest, reflect, write down what y...
CHANNELING THE MAN IN THE MOON: Addictions and how to overcome them.
CHANNELING THE MAN IN THE MOON: Happiness, what makes people happy?
CHANNELING THE MAN IN THE MOON: Meet An Ancestor - Guided Meditation
CHANNELING THE MAN IN THE MOON: Trump is so ineffective, his associates consider their survival. Mark Meadows draws a house and considers who should live there. McConnell would choose Biden...
CHANNELING THE MAN IN THE MOON: What will happen with Trump? Will Trump be impeached. Will Trump fire Mueller?
CHANNELING THE MAN IN THE MOON: What is next for Trump and America? For private readings, contact me at
CHANNELING THE MAN IN THE MOON: What will happen in Syria? How can we help the Syrian people?